
About Kero: <font size="15" face="Monotype Corsiva" COLOR="#b9e3f9">Sweets are so good, sweets, I'm so happy<br><FONT COLOR="#c2dcf3">Sweets are so fun, sweets are good <br><FONT COLOR="#cad5ed">You gotta enjoy life!<br><br><font face="Garamond"><FONT COLOR="#d2cde6">Sure there's such a thing as spicy hot <br><FONT COLOR="#dfcce3">But for the sake of happiness <br><FONT COLOR="#ebcae0">Ya don't want to regret not trying<br><br><FONT COLOR="#f7c8dc">Even when you're tired <br><FONT COLOR="#fad3cc">Eat something sweet And try taking a break!<br><br><font face="Monotype Corsiva"><FONT COLOR="#fcdeba">Sweet and yummy, a sweet meeting<br><FONT COLOR="#fee8a9">Sweet and amazing, a sweet laugh <font size="25"><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>